Friday the 13th and Other Superstitions

Friday the 13th and Other Superstitions

Friday the 13th and Other Superstitions Friday the 13th is generally considered one of the unluckiest days in western culture. In fact, the stress Management Center and Phobia Institute estimates that $700 million to $800 million is lost in business revenue as so many...
Where Land Surpasses Property Values

Where Land Surpasses Property Values

Where Land Surpasses Property Values In some markets, the land is more valuable than the home that stands on it. Case in point, in San Francisco’s Sunset District, a fire destroyed a home for sale leaving it inhabitable. Despite that, last February, the home sold...
5 Home Design Needs for Your Boomer Clients

5 Home Design Needs for Your Boomer Clients

5 Home Design Needs for Your Boomer Clients The number of home buyers ages 55 and older is expected to grow over the next decade, and builders across the country are ramping up to serve them. At the International Builders’ Show in Orlando, Fla., this week, the...
As Commutes Worsen, Cities Get Innovative

As Commutes Worsen, Cities Get Innovative

As Commutes Worsen, Cities Get Innovative Traffic is getting worse across the country. The average American commute time is at a record high: 26 minutes. And more of the public has become “megacommuters,” spending up to 90 minutes in the car each way. Some cities are...